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Hair Profile Test

Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis Profiler

Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis Profiler

Is your body nutritionally balanced for LIFE?

Through Cell Wellbeing Hair Screening and Environmental Analysis, you can discover which daily nutritional and environmental factors are influencing your body’s cell.
Only 3 strand is needed for the Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis Profiler to produce a specific information to guide and improve your diet, nutrition and lifestyle. Within 15 minutes, you will receive a detailed report that’s created specifically for you.
The Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report contains epigenetic indicators on these key influences:

Epigenetic indicator

Anti – oxidants
Essential fatty acids
Amino acids

Your report will include:

  • 9 Wellness categories, covering more than 800 individual influences.
  • A list of food restrictions to leave out for 90 days.
  • A list of food additives to avoid and common additive information.
  • A 90-day wellness plan, including nutrients, water and lifestyle factors.
  • A list of foods to increase or add to your intake to eliminate deficiencies.
  • Self-check sheets to help you keep track of progress.
  • Supporting information on all categories
Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis Profiler
Attain optimum inner and outer health and get your life back on track via exact personalised nutritional information that can help to transform your health and wellness now and into the future.
With this knowledge you can substantially minimize and prevent the expression of potential diseases such as cancer, heart disease, immobility, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and diabetes.
We are able to record a small section of sine wave signatures from hair samples with the root bulb attached, the recording is then digitized and sent for processing to a super-computer in Germany.
Information gathered in this way is very dynamic when compared to static tests like blood, for example. The information covers accumulated issues, current needs and even influences which are not yet detectable at a physical level – in other words before the cell weakness manifests into a period of incubation and potency that can then express as a symptom.

Your Health Investment

Includes a comprehensive 25-page health and well-being report along with consultation based on your test results so you can maximize the benefits and streamline your pathway to health and well- being.

It’s time to unlock your epigenetic potential and achieve optimum wellness!

Copyright © 2023 Klinik Faizal - Klinik 24 Jam Johor Bahru (JB) | 24 Hours Clinic | Medical Check Up | KKLIU 0356. Expires on 31/12/2026